Monday, February 10th | 12 Shevat 5785

September 8, 2014 5:14 pm

Israel Reportedly Providing U.S. With Satellite Intelligence on Islamic State

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Syrian rebels pose after seizing a border crossing. Photo: Screenshot.

JNS.orgIsrael is providing the U.S. with satellite images of Islamic State positions, as well as intelligence information on individuals with western passports who have joined the terrorist organization, Reuters reported.

Israeli spy satellites—which fly over Iraq and are able to detect frequencies and angles that U.S. satellites cannot—are helping the U.S. “fill out its information and get better battle-damage assessments” after American airstrikes on Islamic State targets, an anonymous diplomat said.

“The Israelis are very good with passenger data and with analyzing social media in Arabic to get a better idea of who these people are,” said the diplomat, who added that the intelligence information is being provided “with the Hebrew and other markings scrubbed out” in order to avoid antagonizing Arab nations that are also adversaries of Islamic State.

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