Dovid Katz

New NATO Film Unwittingly Glorifies Holocaust Collaborators
NATO must stand for Western values. Vladimir Putin’s shameful “Zapad 17” military exercise, in regions bordering the eastern democratic lands of NATO and the EU -- including the three...

Just About Yiddish? The Real Story Behind This Week’s Yivo Banquet in New York
It is never pleasant to interrupt festivities, least of all in the festive season. But when these are themselves instruments of warped foreign policy, it...

Purim in Lithuania? A Season for State-Approved Neo-Nazi City-Center Marches
Since the Holocaust, Purim and the Book of Esther cannot be taken only in the light-hearted spirit of the merriest of holidays. Words presaging the scourges...

You Cannot Adulate Hitler’s Forces and be Committed to Human Rights and Pluralism
The legacy of World War II has long inspired — and may it in perpetuity inspire — an uncomplicated core consensus between the mainstream parties...

Respectable Memoir, Some Shrewd Manipulation by an East European Government “• or Both?
Review of We Are Here. Memories of the Lithuanian Holocaust. By Ellen Cassedy. University of Nebraska Press, 273 pp. Paperback $19.95. What do you do...

An Open Letter to Yale History Professor Timothy Snyder
Professor Timothy Snyder of Yale University, the author of the famous (and controversial) book "Bloodlands" was brought to Lithuania last week for a...

The Seventy Years Declaration and the Simple Truth
Seventy is the biblical lifespan for latterday humans. And "• the number of years since Hitler's Wannsee Conference "made official" the Final Solution for European...

Hannah Rosenthal Does It Again
A year has gone by since President Obama's special envoy and head of the Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism was taken to task by...

UNESCO Vote Reveals Lithuanian Duplicity
Yes, the Foreign Ministry saved some face from the "loyalty" of some East European EU/NATO states in Monday's lopsided UNESCO vote on full Palestinian...

Why is the US silent on ‘double genocide’?
Some years ago, the then American ambassador here in Vilnius, Lithuania, said to me with a brotherly wink over lunch: "Looks to me, Dovid, that...