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Opinion . OCCUPY WALL STREET AND THE PERVERSION OF JEWISH VALUES A2. Tradition . HAPPINESS A9. CANTOR ARAB CULTURE IS CULTURE OF DEATH A8. algemeiner THE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, October 12, 2011 14 Tishrei 5772 VOL. XXXVIII NO. 2031 1.00 PRINTED IN NEW YORK Killing Christians in Cairo Netanyahu Warned Destruction of Homes Destruction of Likud BY MAAYANA MISKIN By destroying Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is ultimately destroying the foundations of hi

A2 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2011 Opinion . vision of human solidarity. As majority leader Eric Cantor told a Jewish audience recently at an Upper West Side Synagogue, a bureaucrat in Washington cant make as effective a decision about charity, as you can. In truth, the implication that the government can or should impose any policies as a result of religious dictum, Jewish or otherwise, toys dangerously with first amendment promises and the separation of church and state that are the basis for World News . A3 Guardian Cleared of Jeering Jews Report BY MARCUS DYSCH The Press Complaints Commission has rejected complaints that a Guardian story about the London riots unfairly singled out Chasidic Jews for allegedly jeering at police. In a report published online on August 7, the Guardian described how a doubledecker bus had been set alight and local businesses broken into, and noted that teenagers were wandering the streets with stolen goods. It went on to claim tha

A4 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2011 U.S. News . tic Libya....What happened reveals the extent of Gaddafis antiSemitic conditioning of an entire generation, those in their forties and fifties. Fortytwo years of lies, of hate propaganda falsely accusing Jews of having been paid off to abandon the country in 1967, of having robbed Palestinians of their homes and of planning to colonize Libya. Fortunately, the older generation still recalls warm friendships with former Jewish Godfather of Israeli St World News BY S.Z. WOLFF October 3 Vandals torched a mosque in an Arab village in northern Israel, setting off protests and clashes with police. Graffiti spraypainted on the mosques walls suggested Jews affiliated with the Price Tag movement were involved. About 200 ArabIsraelis of the village of TubaZangria marched to a major intersection nearby with the intention of blocking the road in protest. Some of the demonstrators set tires on fire and threw stones at police officers

A6 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2011 Opinion . BY DAVID BROG But while Sadat and his successor, Hosni Mubarak, changed history, they never changed Egypts underlying culture. While they made and maintained the cold peace, they allowed their media and schools to continue to teach hatred of Israel and Jews. And now this culture is devouring their legacy. The culture in the form of a Jihadist assassin killed Sadat. And now the culture in the form of a violent mob has destroyed the greatest physica A7

A8 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2011 Impressions . the Arab nations surrounding her total 300plus million people. Everyone can relate to concepts about distance and size, such as the fact that Israel is the size of New Jersey and is completely surrounded by much larger countries with huge swaths of land and bigger populations who would like to see the tiny country destroyed. Still, the media worldwide writes of the Jewish settlements and West Bank as key conflicts between the Arabs and Israel. Lea A9 Tradition. Happiness JONATHAN SACKS LOND ON, UK past and will damage our future. It fails utterly to understand Judaisms most paradoxical and profound truth, that we can be surrounded by danger yet rejoice. Faith is the ability to celebrate even in the midst of fears and tears. This is a rare insight, and it forms the deep logic of the festivals of Tishri. far they had drifted, they began weeping. It was at that point that Nehemiah said Do not mourn or weep. Go and enj

A10 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2011 Tradition . sheer simplicity. This small little hut, so fragile and flimsy, teaches us the mystery of true invincibility Only when we are ready to surrender our own selfmade delusions of power and comfort, only when we are ready to replace our dependence on material comforts and trust in financial wealth for dependence on the ethereal and trust in the sublime, can we ensure that our affluence and prosperity will not selfdestruct. Therein lies perhaps the most Social . BY MIRI BENDOR A11 Coming Home to Crown Heights The emotions and memories of many attending spanned close to a hundred years. Rabbinical and community reminisces were spoken, childhood highlights recalled, generations remembered. The evening was filled with tributes and fellowship, music and art, history and personal stories. Rabbis and leaders recalled experience after moving experience. Honors were offered. Yet, perhaps the most moving moments of the evening wer

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