Posts Tagged: Arab Spring Israel

The Arab Street is Boiling
According to the Saudi Arabia-based newspaper Arab News: "The Arab Spring is not about seeking democracy, it is about Arabs killing Arabs [and] about...

Freezing Settlements Will Not Bring Peace to Israel or the Middle East
In Egypt, the military coup that has taken place over the last week has become a full-on revolution. Both sides of the dispute fault Obama,...

Israel Looks to Sinai as Egypt Crisis Unfolds - Israel should do all it can to help the new secular government in Egypt beat the Muslim Brotherhood, even if that means amending the...

Israel is the Only Country in the Middle East That Shares American Values
Jerusalem is Washington's only real friend in the terror-ridden Middle East. When President Obama recently inserted himself into the Israeli elections, harshly criticizing the Prime Minister...

The Anti-Israel Arab Spring
When listening to what they have to say, it seems that the opposition movements that have recently risen to power in the Arab world through...

The Arab Spring Through an Israeli Prism
Amid the Arab upheaval of past 18 months, a question has crept among the speeches, demonstrations, riots, elections, battles and massacres - Is...

Israeli, Foreign Armies Share Lessons on the Future of Battle
While the highly publicized Iron Dome provides a defense against missiles and rockets, Israel has more than Gaza on its plate. As the "Arab Spring" raises...
Preventing Sunni-Shiite Schism From Hijacking The Arab Spring
In April of this year, I wrote that the upheaval in Syria (the Sunni majority revolt against the Alawite-dominated regime) has turned into a battleground between...

Shiites, Sunnis and Israel
It has become obvious that the central axis of conflict in the Middle East today is no longer the Arab-Israeli conflict, but rather...

Israel, the “Arab Spring,” and the Wishful Thinkers
When it comes to Israel, advice is never in short supply. It's doled out steadily by diplomats, scholars, editorial writers, columnists, you name it. The onset of...