Posts Tagged: assimilation
Jewish Education Is Needed to Stop Assimilation
My oldest daughter recently enrolled in a major university on the East Coast. On day one, we went to a Hillel event with a few...
American Jews Must Embrace Their Own Identity Politics - The unprecedented rise of antisemitism in the United States has taken many by surprise; in particular, because it is, for the most part,...
Immigrant Muslim Youth Being Lured to, Abandoned in Their Homelands
Summertime. For most teens, that means vacation. One 16-year old, Amara, looked forward to spending the warm and lazy days with all her friends. The...
Assimilation and the American Jewish Immigrant Experience - It was one of those moments that make so much of the culture of 21st-century America cringe-worthy. Last week on NBC’s Meet the...
Combatting Assimilation: An Ancient and Modern Commandment
It was recently reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was quoted as saying that the future of world Jewry was limited to the Orthodox...
The Identity Crisis Fueling European Muslim Radicalization
When tanks entered the streets of Istanbul and Ankara last summer in an attempt to overthrow the Turkish government, people swarmed the streets to fight...
Erdogan Critics Beware: Turkey Is Watching
For some Americans, concerns about Russian spying and interference in our elections are growing, with new reports emerging nearly every day. But in Europe, officials are...
Assimilation Is Our Greatest Threat, But We Can Help Stop It
Assimilation is the great tragedy destroying the Jewish people -- and it gets worse and worse every day. A majority of the world’s Jews outside of...
There Is a Solution
Last week, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) published a report about the grave and growing antisemitism on New York college campuses, along with the despairing conclusion...
Anger, Honor and Freedom: What European Muslims’ Attack On Speech Is Really About
"Clash of civilizations," some say. Others call it the "failure of multiculturalism." Either way, the cultural conflicts between some Muslims and non-Muslims worldwide continue to...
Erdogan Critic Unfazed by Threats of Prosecution, Death
For 17 days this month, Dutch columnist Ebru Umar was held against her will in Turkey, and legally barred from leaving the country. Her alleged crime: insulting...
Israeli Foreign Minister Lieberman Says Assimilation Greatest Threat to Judaism
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Tuesday said assimilation by American Jews is the biggest threat to global Jewry. He also called for the Israeli...
California vs. Israel: The Grass May be Greener, But Not the Olives
Southern California's olive trees are taller and emptier than olive trees anywhere in Israel, because the California authorities specially treat the trees. They do not...
Religion’s Most Repellent Idea
The most dangerous and offensive of all religious ideas is that innocent people suffer because of their sins. This notion, so easily abused, makes...