Posts Tagged: Ben Hecht
The Holocaust and Remembering Ben Hecht
Yom HaShoah is an appropriate time to remember Ben Hecht. Colin Shindler has an excellent piece on him in The Jewish Chronicle, and two weeks...
Ben Hecht: Hero of Israel and the Holocaust
F. Scott Fitzgerald once remarked that “there are no second acts in American lives.” Two new biographies -- Adina Hoffman’s Ben Hecht: Fighting Words, Moving...
A Holocaust Pageant That Was ‘Too Political’ for FDR
Seventy years ago this week, 40,000 New Yorkers watched as Jewish activists and Hollywood celebrities joined hands to bring news of the Holocaust to the...
A World Series Warning – About Hitler
The 1941 World Series is widely remembered as the first "Subway Series," when two New York City teams vied for baseball's championship. It was also...
Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s Anti-Racist Legacy
The popular image of the Jews who took part in battles for black civil rights is of liberal activists and idealistic college students. Yet several...
Raoul Wallenberg’s American Connection
This summer's international celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Holocaust rescuer Raoul Wallenberg (Aug. 4) began June 26 with a symposium at...