Tuesday, September 17th | 14 Elul 5784


Posts Tagged: Canada Jews

September 13, 2024 10:07 am

Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Tries to Bash Israel for Electoral Gain on Monday

After nearly nine years under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Canada’s foreign policy has drifted into a kind of high school debating club -- where policy...

July 8, 2024 10:36 am

Canada Has Appointed an Israel Basher to a Major Job; But There Is Still Time to Act

My kids have a game called, “Who Said That?” The rules are simple: one player picks a card that has a quote on it, and...

July 3, 2024 12:43 pm

Weak National Canadian Identity Is Leading to Democratic Values Backsliding

As I sat in an anthropology lecture at the University of British Columbia, we debated the question: What is a unifying national identity for Canadians?...

May 16, 2024 11:05 am

How Jew-Hatred Hides Behind a Mask of Anti-Zionism

On February 2, 2024, a student came across a public memorial shrine at the Toronto Metropolitan University campus that falsely accused Israel of genocide. One sign,...

October 16, 2023 12:53 pm

Canadian University Leaders Need a Strong Moral Compass on Israel

In response to the horrific terror attack by Hamas in Israel last weekend, many Canadian universities issued cookie cutter, curt, and obfuscated messages to their...

December 13, 2021 12:00 pm

Antisemitism and Canada’s Largest School Board

There’s an activist wave rising at Canada’s largest school board, and the Jewish community is increasingly concerned that this wave is going to come crashing...

July 1, 2021 12:27 pm

How Faculty and Teachers Spread Israel-Hatred and Antisemitism

Zionist students “should be boycotted and sanctioned.” “Cries of antisemitism are overblown.” “F**k this Zionist pig.” These are just samples of the rhetoric emanating from distinguished university professors...

June 17, 2020 4:38 pm

Jews Most Targeted Group for Hate Crimes in Toronto Area, New Data Shows

Newly-published police data showed that Jews were the most targeted group for hate crimes in the greater Toronto area last year. In all, 44 out of...

November 6, 2019 7:36 am

The Anglican Church of Canada Prays for Reconciliation with the Jews

When I was a young Jewish boy growing up in Montreal, I remember seeing a woman on the sidewalk of St. Catherine Street, the primary...

July 28, 2019 9:07 am

Report: Jews Most Targeted for Hate Crimes in Canada for Third Consecutive Year

JNS.org - For the third consecutive year, Jews are the most targeted minority group when it comes to hate crimes in Canada, despite a 4...

January 24, 2019 4:18 pm

Publishers of Viciously Antisemitic, Women-Hating Toronto Newspaper Found Guilty of Inciting Hatred

Two men behind a Toronto newspaper whose favored topics include Holocaust denial and the degradation of women were found guilty of inciting hatred by a Canadian court...

July 21, 2017 4:09 pm

Canadian University Condemned for Alleged Role in Assisting Anti-Israel UN Mandate

The University of Western Ontario was slammed on Friday by multiple Jewish rights groups for its alleged role in assisting the United Nations Human Rights Council...

July 16, 2017 1:24 pm

Jewish Hairdresser Fired Over Shabbat Dispute Wins Discrimination Case Against Former Employer

A Jewish hairdresser in Montreal won a discrimination lawsuit against a former employer who fired him after he was told he was not allowed to...

July 13, 2017 1:55 pm

Zionist Activist Group Claims Victory in Lawsuit Against Canadian Student Government That Banned It From Campus

A Zionist activist group has claimed victory in a lawsuit it brought against a Canadian university's student government, after the organization was banned from campus last year because...


Jewish Mass Grave Uncovered in Belarus

JNS.org — A Jewish mass grave containing 23 bodies was located in Belarus on Tuesday, local media reported. The remains of 12 adults and 11 children between the ages of one...


Jewish Shepherd Assaulted Near Jericho

JNS.org — A Jewish Israeli man sustained facial injuries on Monday in an assault near the town of Mevo'ot Yericho in the southern Jordan Valley. Multiple men assaulted the man, a...

Middle East

Palestinian Poll Finds Big Drop in Support for Oct. 7 Attack

A majority of Gazans believe Hamas' decision to launch the Oct. 7 attack on Israel was incorrect, according to a poll published on Tuesday pointing to a big drop in backing for the assault that prompted Israel's offensive...


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