Posts Tagged: Entebbe

The Enduring Message of the Rescue at Entebbe - Last month, I participated in a conference for young adults on the current Jewish agenda, hosted by the Jewish community of Oporto, Portugal. Three...

A Pesach Lesson From Entebbe
Last month, former airline pilot Michel Bacos died in France at the age of 94. Although Bacos had been retired for many years, his extraordinary...

The BBC Erases Non-Israeli Jews From Entebbe Hostages — and Refuses to Correct Its Error
Many media outlets have recently published obituaries for the heroic Air France pilot Michel Bacos, who, along with his flight crew, stayed with the hostages...

The French Pilot Who Stayed With His Jewish Passengers at Entebbe - We live at a time when it seems that the guardrails that briefly deterred the spread of antisemitism have collapsed. This seems particularly true...

Miracles at Entebbe - If you’ve never heard of the Entebbe raid, you’ve probably never heard of what makes Entebbe famous or why it matters. As the United States...

Honoring Yoni Netanyahu
Israel’s 70th birthday will be celebrated in a few weeks, and to commemorate this momentous anniversary, my organization will be presenting the World Values Network's Second...

Iddo Netanyahu Remembers the Entebbe Raid
One of the most daring rescue operations in military history was saved by a faulty pickup truck. That's what Dr. Iddo Netanyahu told a crowd of more...

Homage to an Israeli Hero: Yoni Netanyahu
Every child and every nation needs a hero -- especially in these terror-ridden times. Sometimes that hero pays the ultimate price, and is taken from...

UK Paper Publishes Article Claiming Entebbe Raid is Reason Israel Hasn’t Made Peace
There are few IDF missions as well-known as Operation Entebbe. On June 27, 1976, terrorists affiliated with the PFLP and a West German group known as the Red Army Faction,...

Jewish Warfare: A Traditional Perspective
In the timely hour of battle between Israel and its neighbors, it is helpful to recall the timeless principles of warfare set out in the...

Remembering Entebbe: Israel’s July 4
July 4 marks the 37th anniversary of Operation Yonatan, Israel's dramatic rescue of 103 hostages that took place on July 4, 1976, at Entebbe, Uganda. As a college student...

A Brief History of Israel: Celebrating 64 Years of Independence
In honor of Israel's 64th birthday, JointMedia News Service takes a look at the major events that shaped each decade in Israel's history ...

Never Underestimate Israeli Ingenuity
As the battle of both words and deeds heats up between Iran and the west, some experts have begun to question whether Israel even...

Entebbe Celebrated
Thirty-five years ago last week, Israeli commandos flew into the heart of Africa to the old terminal building at Uganda's Entebbe Airport. In a lighting...