Posts Tagged: Gaza rocket

Bennett Defends Lack of Response to Gaza Rocket, Says Israel Will Retaliate ‘Under the Conditions That Suit Us’
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett defended on Tuesday his government’s decision not to immediately respond to a rocket fired at the southern city of Sderot...

Rocket Fired From Gaza Into Southern Israel, IDF Hits Back With Strikes on Hamas Targets
A rocket was fired from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip into southern Israel on Thursday evening. Yediot Ahronot reported that warning sirens were heard around 8 p.m....

Report: Terrorized Israeli Children Cowered Under Desks, Recited Psalms, as Qassam Rocket From Gaza Struck Near Sderot School
Hundreds of terrorized Israeli children recited psalms as they cowered under their desks on Wednesday morning, when a rocket fired from Gaza landed near their...

Gaza Rocket Hits Southern Israel After One Month Lull - At least one rocket has hit southern Israel on Tuesday evening after nearly a month of quiet. According to reports, the rocket exploded...

IDF Said Redeploying Iron Dome Batteries Near Gaza Strip
The IDF on Wednesday redeployed Iron Dome anti-missile system batteries to the Sderot and Netivot areas near the Gaza Strip, the local 0404 news site...

IDF Releases Recording of Phone Call Warning to Gaza Resident Prior to Striking Terror Target (VIDEO)
The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday released a recording of a phone call made to a Gaza resident on Saturday warning of an impending strike...

Israel Air Force Aborts Gaza Airstrike After Spotting Children Near Target (VIDEO)
The Israel Air Force called of an airstrike on a "terror activity site" on Thursday after spotting children in the vicinity of the target, a...

Gaza 2-Year-Old Dies From Hamas Rocket Assembly Accident
A two-year-old Gazan, Mohammed al-Hamadin, died on Monday from injuries suffered last week when a rocket exploded during assembly in his home, the Palestine Press...

Israeli Air Force Targets 7 Gaza Terror Sites After More Rockets Strike Israel
The Israeli Air Force targeted seven terror sites in southern Gaza on Thursday after four rockets were fired from the territory towards Ashdod and Ashkelon...

After Gaza Rocket Strikes Israel, IAF Targets Terror Site
The Israeli Air Force targeted a terror site and a weapons factory in Gaza overnight, hours after a rocket fired from the territory struck the...

Israel Targets Terror Operative Responsible for Rocket Attacks During Sharon Funeral
The Israel Defense Forces targeted and killed a terrorist operative in the northern Gaza Strip on Tuesday night in order "to eliminate an imminent threat...

IAF Strikes Gaza Rocket Launchers in Response to Qassam Attack
The Israeli Air Force confirmed direct hits on three Gaza rocket launchers on Thursday evening after a Qassam rocket fired from the territory struck Israel. "In...

College Group Uses ‘Game Show’ to Dehumanize Israel
I attended "Battle of the Bulls" hosted by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at the University of South Florida. In this game-show style competition, participants...

Gaza Rocket Fired Towards Israel
Times of Israel - Palestinians on Wednesday morning fired a rocket from the Gaza strip toward southern Israel, setting off alarms in the...