Saturday, February 15th | 17 Shevat 5785


Posts Tagged: Hungary jewish

December 12, 2015 10:23 am

Hungarian Jews Protest Planned Statue for WWII Politician Who Drafted Anti-Jewish Laws

Hungary's Jewish community protested against plans to erect a statue to a politician who played a role in drafting anti-Jewish laws during World War Two,...

August 1, 2013 11:04 am

Jewish History of Budapest: A Day Trip to a Golden Age - Budapest is the 25th most-visited city in the world, and it's easy to understand why, with its amazing architecture, its enormous World Heritage Site,...

June 28, 2012 2:40 pm

Member of Hungarian Anti-Semitic Party Learns of His Jewish Roots

Csanad Szegedi, a leader of Hungary's notoriously anti-Semitic party Jobbik, found out that he has Jewish roots, reports AFP. "I learnt not long ago that I...


Azerbaijan Becomes First Muslim-Majority Country to Include Antisemitism De...

Azerbaijan has become the first Muslim-majority country to include a definition of antisemitism in its textbooks, according to a new...


Israel Expresses Outrage After Hamas Suspends Next Gaza Hostage Releases In...

The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas announced on Monday that it would stop releasing Israeli hostages until further notice over alleged...

Middle East

Iran Bars Lebanese Planes From Taking Stranded Citizens Home After Israeli...

Iran barred Lebanese planes from repatriating dozens of Lebanese nationals stranded in Iran on Friday, in a standoff after Lebanon blocked an Iranian civilian flight following what Tehran described as an Israeli threat to attack...

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