Posts Tagged: IAP
‘Rightwing Zionists’ Tainted ‘Our’ Elections, Islamist Group’s Antisemitic Report Says
You are not going to believe this. During the mid-term elections, advocacy groups gave money -- a lot of money -- supporting candidates they thought...
Congresswomen to Speak at Anti-Israel Group’s ‘Online Gala’
Islamist groups, like many others, are doing what they can to adjust to life during the coronavirus. Conferences and fundraising dinners are off the table,...
Prominent Islamists Make Last-Ditch Effort to Free Hamas Supporters in the US
As President Obama's tenure reaches its final days, Islamists in the United States are waging a furious lobbying campaign aimed at securing the freedom of...
Convicted Holy Land Foundation Chief Rewrites Hamas Charity’s History
A former top official of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) is trying to whitewash the Hamas charity's true history in a detailed self-interview published by...