Posts Tagged: Jewish-Christian

New Group Fosters Jewish, Christian Alliances to Combat Hate: ‘There Is so Much We Can Do Together’
The founders of a new organization that aims to foster closer ties between Jews and Evangelical Christians who support Israel told The Algemeiner that not...

A Rabbi, Priest and Minister Walk Into a Bar — and It’s No Joke
On April 17, 2008, during his first visit to the United States, Pope Benedict XVI convened a historic interfaith meeting in Washington, DC. Invited by the...

Christians United for Israel Takes on Presbyterian Church USA’s Divestment Vote; Elicits 26,000 Responses in Support in 1 Day
Christians United for Israel, CUFI, on Tuesday said it distributed an action alert to its membership in opposition to the Presbyterian Church USA's recent vote to...

Canadian TV Host Insinuates to Rabbi Shmuley Jews Control Hollywood
Today I had what was probably the most unpleasant TV interview of my life on Canada's Sun News Network (national). Interviewed by host...