Saturday, February 8th | 10 Shevat 5785


Posts Tagged: Jewish Council of the Emirates

August 24, 2021 11:00 am

Rosh Hashanah: A Time of Renewal and Unity - As Jews, every Rosh Hashanah, we rededicate our commitment to Judaism. We reaffirm our devotion to Jewish law, and we strive to maintain our...

March 24, 2021 10:00 am

An Open Letter to Tom Friedman From the UAE - Mr. Thomas Friedman, in your March 2 New York Times op-ed—“Jumping Jehoshaphat! Have You Seen How Many Israelis Just Visited The U.A.E?”—you say...

March 24, 2021 9:56 am

What I’ve Learned Teaching Jewish Texts in the UAE - In 2011, on one of my first trips to the United Arab Emirates, I sat in on a class taught by then-New York...

September 10, 2020 4:12 pm

Representative Body of UAE Jewish Community Officially Affiliates With WJC

With Israel and the United Arab Emirates set to ink their recently-announced normalization deal next week, the representative body of the Gulf state's Jewish community...


Iran Currency Plunges to Record Lows Amid Escalating US Tensions

Iran's currency fell on Saturday to a new all-time low against the US dollar after the country's supreme leader rejected talks with the United States and President Donald Trump moved...

Middle East

Azerbaijan State Oil Deal With Israeli Gas Field Signals Growing Role in Tr...

A deal struck this week between Israel and Azerbaijan's state oil company, SOCAR, has underscored a geopolitical reality often overlooked:...

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