Posts Tagged: McGill Israel

What Really Motivates Most Anti-Israel Student Groups
Protests are not an unusual sight at McGill University in Montreal. Student activism is something of a vaunted tradition at our school. But March's Israeli...

Is McGill University’s ‘Blacklist’ Another Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory?
Last May, Students in Solidarity with Human Rights (SPHR) at McGill University in Montreal accused “Zionist students” of using a “Blacklist” to “terrorize” pro-Palestine activists. SPHR published the...

Normalizing Antisemitism on Campus
At McGill University recently, three board members of the University’s Students’ Society were removed from their appointments after a vote at the Fall General Assembly...

McGill University’s Student Body Rejects Student Government’s BDS Vote
The student body at Canada's McGill University has failed to ratify Monday’s controversial Israel boycott vote by the general assembly of the student government. According to...