Posts Tagged: Michael Oren Israel

Restore Israeli Deterrence Now - Alongside the joy over the progress made in procuring a coronavirus vaccine, we must not neglect threats that in the long run could...

Former Ambassadors Oren, Shapiro: Israel Can’t Vilify, Abandon Democrats - Following a recent Pew Research Center poll that revealed only 27 percent of Democrats sympathize with Israel more than with the Palestinians, ominous headlines flooded Israeli...

Sidney Blumenthal and ‘Pushy’ Israelis - The new allegation that Israel’s ambassador once charged through the halls of the White House, barging into room after room in search of President...

An Iron Dome Against the Cultural Boycott of Israel
Prior to an Israeli Knesset conference this month concerning the delegitimization of Israel, MK Michael Oren called for a “legal and hasbara Iron dome.” The way...

Behind the Book: Michael Oren on His ‘American Jewish Zionist Story’ (INTERVIEW) - Seemingly lost in all the debate over U.S.-Israel relations is that Member of Knesset Michael Oren’s new book, “Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide,” is a...

ADL vs. Michael Oren: Conspiracy Theory or the Truth? - Bear with me, please, while I attempt an answer at the following question: What is a conspiracy theory? Generally speaking, a conspiracy theory is a...

Michael Oren Says Elements of US-Israeli Relationship Are in ‘Tatters’ (INTERVIEW)
Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the United States from 2009 to 2013, chose to give his book on that period in Washington the catchy title...

Political Divides Take Center Stage at Heated Pre-Election Debate in Israel
Washington Free Beacon - Longstanding political divisions came to a head on Saturday evening as key players from across Israel's fractured political landscape stumped for their...

Michael Oren, Israel’s Former Envoy to US, Joins New Israeli Political Party - Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States from 2009-13 as well as a noted historian and author, has joined the new...

Former Israeli Ambassador Says U.S. ‘Has No Alternative’ to Alliance With Israel
Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren said at an event last week that the U.S. has no other option than to be allied...

Former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren Joins CNN Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren confirmed that he is joining CNN as an on-air analyst and contributor. The American-born Oren, a noted...

Michael Oren Joins Faculty of Israeli School - Dr. Michael Oren, who served as Israel's ambassador to the U.S. between 2009 and 2013, has accepted a faculty position at the...

Israeli Ambassador: Military Strike on Iran Wouldn’t Create Rift With U.S.
While Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren downplayed the reportedly widening gap between Washington and Jerusalem's positions regarding the necessity and timing...

Six Days of Pride
The anniversary of Israel's Six Day War not only commemorates an unlikely military victory, resulting in the Jewish liberation of Jerusalem, Hebron and other ancient...