Friday, February 7th | 10 Shevat 5785


Posts Tagged: Persian Empire

March 12, 2017 10:49 am

In Purim Remarks, Netanyahu Says Persians Didn’t Succeed in Killing Jews Then and They Won’t Succeed Now

Just as the Persians did not succeed in killing the Jews in antiquity, neither will the Iranians succeed today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Saturday...

February 27, 2013 1:54 am

Dispatch from a Rampaging Camel: Purim 2013 Snapshots

The headlines from Purim 5773 were fat, loud and ominous. First, from the West Bank, dire reports of growing tensions; demonstrations in Ramallah and Hebron...

March 4, 2012 5:49 am

Iran and Israel, It’s Purim All Over Again

Some 2,000 years ago, the Jewish people, Exiled in the vast empire of Persia faced a plot engineered by the king's chief minister to annihilate...


‘F—k the Jew, F—k the Zionist’: Former CAIR Director Launch...

A former senior employee of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was caught on camera launching a profane and...

Middle East

Azerbaijan State Oil Deal With Israeli Gas Field Signals Growing Role in Tr...

A deal struck this week between Israel and Azerbaijan's state oil company, SOCAR, has underscored a geopolitical reality often overlooked:...

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