Posts Tagged: Rachel’s Tomb
Danon Denounces UNESCO’s Latest Anti-Israel Decisions - Israel slammed the PX Commission of the Executive Board of UNESCO on Wednesday as it adopted resolutions titled “Occupied Palestine,” which declared that the...
Firebomb Attack Targets Jewish Worshippers at Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem - A firebomb was thrown at Jewish worshippers on Monday at Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem. Jerusalem police said that “an object was thrown at the...
UNESCO Plans Anti-Israel Vote on Jewish State’s 69th Independence Day - The cultural body of the United Nations was expected to adopt a resolution on Tuesday, Israel’s Independence Day, classifying the Jewish state as an...
Israeli Officials Dismiss Report of Planned Mass Terror Attack on Rush Hour Commuter Train (VIDEO)
On Monday, an undisclosed individual apparently handed Border Police guarding Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem a journal documenting plans to mount a mass terror attack on...
Rachel’s Tomb is Site of Prayer Event Broadcast to 25,000 Israelis - More than 25,000 people at hundreds of locations across Israel tuned in to a live radio broadcast of a prayer ceremony on...
Arabs Throw Grenades and Firebombs at Rachel’s Tomb
Palestinian Arab rioters threw firebombs and grenades at Rachel's Tomb in Judea and Samaria Thursday according to Israel's Channel 10 news. No damage was reported....
A Third Intifada?
An increase in Palestinian violence against Israel Defense Forces soldiers and Jewish civilians throughout the West Bank, following the death of a Palestinian prisoner in...
IDF Personnel Pelted With Rocks, Molotov Cocktails in West Bank as Unrest Persists
Clashes between Palestinian Arab protesters and IDF soldiers in the West Bank were reported Thursday, continuing a string of incidents in the territory. Near Rachel's Tomb, just outside...
EXCLUSIVE: UNESCO Acknowledges Labelling Maimonides as Muslim
Maimonides, also known as RaMBaM, Rabbi Moshe, ben (son of) Moshe, is hailed as one of the greatest Jewish scholars, writers and philosophers in history....