Maurice Ostroff
ARTICLES BY: Maurice Ostroff
An Open Letter to The Guardian About Netanyahu’s Comments on the Mufti and Hitler
To the editor, The Guardian Re: Anger at Netanyahu claim Palestinian grand mufti inspired Holocaust - Oct. 21 I believe you owe your readers an explanation for referring...
Ten Things You Should Know About the Iran Nuke Deal
1. Alternatives to this deal. War is not the only alternative as some pundits warn. The alternative is a better deal taking into account differences in...
Israeli MKs Must Vote Their Conscience on Jewish State Bill
I am puzzled. Mainstream headlines in Israel and abroad point to an imminent breakup of the Israel coalition government over what has come to be...
The Temple Mount and ‘Disproportionate Response’
Since pundits who profess to understand the Arab-Israel conflict regularly accuse Israel of "disproportionate response," it would be interesting to know whether these opinion makers...