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Opinion . Tradition . HOW ISRAEL A2. IS HELPING NEWT T GINGRICH WIN FUNDAMENTALS OF FAITH A9. AYALON ADDRESSES BET EL GALA DINNER A11. algemeiner THE JOURNAL FRIDAY, December 16, 2011 20 Kislev 5772 VOL. XXXVIII NO. 2039 1.00 PRINTED IN NEW YORK Candidates Raise Issues, Questions for Jewish Voters Iran Scoffs at Obama Request for US Drones Return BY AFP A US drone captured by Iran is now the property of the Islamic republic, Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Tuesday, dismissing

A2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2011 Opinion . Somebody ought to have the courage to tell the truth. These people are terrorists. They teach terrorism in their schools. They have textbooks that say, if there are 13 Jews and nine Jews are killed, how many Jews are left We pay for those textbooks through our aid money. Its fundamentally time for somebody to have the guts to stand up and say, enough lying about the Middle East. A flurry of criticism followed from many quarters, yet Gingrichs poll numbe World News . A3 Europe Forming its Own AntiDefamation League BY TOBY AXELROD A new European task force is being created to fight rising antisemitism on the continent, Jewish leaders in Brussels announced last week. The new body will be run with the help of the New Yorkbased AntiDefamation League and will be modelled on the American organisation. The announcement came at a conference hosted in Brussels by the European Jewish Union EJU and Tzedek, a European Jewish lawyers a

A4 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2011 World News . Continued from Page A2 Newt Gingritch Did Iran Blast Target Steel Needed For Nuke Program BY RON BENYISHAI Does the mysterious blast in Irans steel factory have any connection to attempts to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program Foreign reports suggesting Iran received North Korean steel used for uranium enrichment and the production of exhaust systems of missile engines may indicate that there is such a connection. Initially, the Iranians claimed t World News U.S News .. A5 EXCLUSIVE Santorum on Occu CA Public University System py Wall Street AntiSemitism and Debates Reinstating Israel Study Program his West Bank Comments BY ALGEMEINER STAFF Well Im not an expert on the Occupy Wall Street movement said Rick Santorum when asked by The Algemeiner during a Rushmore PAC conference call on Monday about reports of the movements antisemitic and nothing about the other. Regarding his recent CNN interview where he said that t

A6 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2011 Opinion . content man is that, since he feels comfortable in his own skin and is satisfied with his place in the world, he often achieves less professionally because he has less to prove. He does, however, sleep much better at night, and happily with the woman he married, even though he may have fewer accomplishments than his colleagues who are consumed with feelings of inadequacy. For those like Governor Perry who believe that men who cheat on their wives are no Opinion . A7 Top Ten AntiSemitic Slurs of 2011 BY ALGEMEINER STAFF For the last two years, The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish human rights NGO, has compiled a list of the top ten antiIsrael and antiJewish slurs. The list continues to reflect the growing global antiSemitism and delegitimization of Israel coming from mainstream voices. It does not include statements by terrorist organizations, the lunatic fringe, or the government of Iran. These citings should ser

A8 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2011 Impressions . soning, we have made our problem more difficult...we can resolve it only by introducing supernatural forces. We must look for another solution if we wish to remain within science. It is a shame that Dr. Shapiro was held prisoner by the chains of his scientific faith agenda. He abandoned a perfectly valid line of reasoning because it led him to an answer that was not scientific. He was afraid of committing scientific heresy by coming to the obvious c A9 Tradition. Legal Notice first and foremost with marriage. Sex belongs, for the Torah, within the context of marriage, and it is marriage that comes closest to the deep resonances of the biblical idea of covenant. A covenant is a mutual act of commitment in which two persons, honouring their differences, each respecting the dignity of the other, come together in a bond of love to join their destinies and chart a future together. When the prophets want to speak of the cove

A10 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2011 Tradition . OLEKSANDR FELDMAN UKRAINE Stuck SIMON JACOBSON N E W YO R K Do you ever feel stuck in your life Unable to get out of a rut In this weeks Torah portion, Joseph is far more than stuck. Almost killed by his brothers, he is thrown into a pit, then sold into slavery, ends up in Egypt, then thrown into prison. For 13 years Joseph suffered until things miraculously turned around. What was Josephs attitude all this time He had every excuse to play the vict Social . FIDF Hosts 1500 Young Jews BY AGEMEINER STAFF A11 Awardees Mushkee and Dovid Efune, here with Eugen Gluck right and MK Yakov Ketzele Katz. Photo Maxine Dovere. Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon with MK Yaakov Katz at Bet El Gala in NY. Photo Shahar Azran. A whopping 1500 Jews in their 20s and 30s gathered last Saturday night at the Metropolitan Pavilion on 18th Street in what is among the largest annual New York fundraisers geared towards Young Jewish

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