Wednesday, February 12th | 15 Shevat 5785

December 5, 2014 4:07 pm

Renowned Jewish Food Writer Gil Marks Has Died

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Gil Marks' "Encyclopedia of Jewish Food" put the author on The Forward's list of 50 most influential Jews in 2010. Photo: Screenshot from YouTube.

JNS.orgRenowned Jewish food writer Gil Marks has died Friday in Jerusalem at the age of 62. Marks had battled lung cancer for three years.

Marks is known for his books on Jewish food, including the “Encyclopedia of Jewish Food,” which put him on The Forward‘s list of 50 most influential Jews in 2010.

Marks was also the founding editor Kosher Gourmet magazine and an ordained rabbi. He has been nominated for the prestigious James Beard Award, which is well-regarded in the culinary world.

Marks has lived in Israel since 2012, from where he chronicled his battle with cancer on social media along with personal posts about cooking, according to Haaretz.

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