Friday, February 7th | 9 Shevat 5785


Posts Tagged: Brooklyn Vandalism

October 7, 2020 9:25 am

New York Charges Vandal of Brooklyn Jewish Center With Hate Crimes - A man was arrested and charged on Monday for allegedly vandalizing a Jewish center in Brooklyn, NY. Osman Butt, 25, was charged with burglary...

May 5, 2014 12:01 am

Anti-Semitic Graffiti Leads to Arrest of Former NY Police Officer - A former NYPD police officer who left the force in 2007 was arrested for the spray-painting of anti-Semitic graffiti in Borough Park,...

January 18, 2012 12:45 pm

NY Assemblyman Calls for Discussion of Swastika, Following Multiple Vandalisms

It hasn't been hard to notice the recent upswing in swastika graffiti and anti-semetic vadalism around the tri-state area recently. New Jersey was the scene...


‘F—k the Jew, F—k the Zionist’: Former CAIR Director Launch...

A former senior employee of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was caught on camera launching a profane and...

Middle East

Azerbaijan State Oil Deal With Israeli Gas Field Signals Growing Role in Tr...

A deal struck this week between Israel and Azerbaijan's state oil company, SOCAR, has underscored a geopolitical reality often overlooked:...

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