Thursday, February 6th | 8 Shevat 5785

February 14, 2019 4:26 pm

Kushner: Israeli-Palestinian Peace Plan to Be Unveiled After Knesset Elections in April

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White House adviser Jared Kushner attends a plenary session at the Middle East summit in Warsaw, Poland, Feb. 14, 2019. Photo: Agencja Gazeta / Slawomir Kaminski via Reuters.

The Trump administration will present its long-awaited Israeli-Palestinian peace plan after the Knesset elections in April, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said on Thursday, according to media reports.

Kushner was speaking at a closed-door session of a US-sponsored Middle East diplomatic conference in the Polish capital of Warsaw. More than 60 countries were represented at the two-day gathering.

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law did not reveal details of the peace initiative, but was quoted as saying that both sides would have to make compromises.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — a participant at the Warsaw conference — said on Thursday, before a meeting with US Vice President Mike Pence, “I look forward to receiving the plan, and we’ll look at it once it’s presented.”

“I have to say that I know that the Trump administration seeks to ensure the security of Israel for generations,” Netanyahu added.

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