Posts Tagged: Gaza death count

Biased Science: The Lancet Claims Gaza Casualty Count Underreported
The Lancet has a history of publishing agenda-driven and politicized anti-Israel content that goes way beyond the field of healthcare and medicine. In July 2024, the...

How Hamas Manipulates the Media and Controls the Narrative About Israel
Throughout the current Israel-Hamas war, HonestReporting has exposed ties between employees of mainstream media organizations and the terrorist rulers of the Gaza Strip. From freelancers who crossed...

The Associated Press Treats Hamas’ Highly Questionable Casualty Figures as Fact
One day after the publication of yet another detailed study identifying serious flaws and anomalies in Hamas-supplied figures for fatalities incurred in Israel’s Gaza Strip offensive, the...

New Report Proves Gaza Casualty Numbers Are a Lie — the Media Still Reports Them
A new report by the Henry Jackson Society (HJS) reveals what has been obvious all along: The death toll provided by the Hamas-run Ministry of Health (MoH)...

How Gaza Casualty Figures Are Being Wildly Distorted
“Nearly 70% of those killed are women and children” screams the headline of a Nov. 8th article in the Guardian by Sarah Johnson. [emphasis added] The dramatic claim is...

Grotesque Gaza Libel Reprinted by New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, and More
As predictable as it is frustrating, the letter penned by Rasha Khatib, Martin McKee, and Salim Yusuf and published in a supposedly respectable medical journal,...

The Truth About Casualties: Comparing Gaza to the Iraq War
Last December, The Wall Street Journal contrasted the number of munitions dropped in the Gaza war with numbers from the US war in Iraq. In...

Israel and Gaza: The Myth About Casualty Numbers and Proportionality
On October 7, Hamas invaded Israeli communities and perpetrated the largest loss of Jewish life in a single day since the Holocaust: including the murder...