Friday, February 7th | 10 Shevat 5785

May 18, 2017 10:43 am

Church of England Approves Prince Harry’s Potential Wedding With Actress of ‘Jewish Background’ Meghan Markle

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Meghan Markle. Photo: Genevieve via Wikimedia Commons.

The Church of England has ruled that Prince Harry can marry his American actress girlfriend Meghan Markle at London’s historic Westminster Abbey, despite her being both a divorcee and having a “Jewish background,” the UK’s Express newspaper reported on Sunday.

A Westminster Abbey spokesman said: “The Abbey follows the General Synod Ruling of 2002. Since then it has been possible for divorced people to be married in the Church of England.”

The spokesman also confirmed that Meghan’s ethnic background would not prevent her from having an “interfaith” marriage there.

The Daily Mail reported that “well-placed sources say the relationship is extremely serious, and that Meghan’s invitation to Pippa Middleton’s wedding is the ultimate endorsement, painting her as a potential princess.”

The 35-year-old Markle — whose mother is African-American and whose father is Dutch-Irish — has described herself as “half black and half white.”

While the Express reported that her father is Jewish and that she once gave an interview in which she described herself as “a Jew,” The Algemeiner was unable to find evidence to support that claim. Markle did, however, once tell Allure magazine that she might have been seen as “Sephardic” for casting purposes.

She was previously married to producer Trevor Engelson from 2011 to 2013 and the couple performed traditional Jewish celebrations at their wedding in Jamaica.

Speculation has mounted as to whether Harry will propose to Markle and the pair was seen passionately embracing at a polo match earlier this month.

Editor’s note: This article has been updated to clarify that The Algemeiner was unable to verify if Markle is, in fact, Jewish, as reported by the Express.

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